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Cabo San Lucas Driving Directions
Welcome to the mexbound.com guide to driving to Cabo San Lucas. Thanks to our San Diego roots, we're able to provide you with firsthand, detailed information on driving directions and maps to Cabo San Lucas. Before you leave on your next adventure south of the border, be sure to purchase Mexican Insurance from mexbound.com. Remember, mexbound.com is "the first choice for the smart traveler." The drive to Cabo San Lucas is about 24 hours (1059 miles) south of San Diego, California. The Baja California Trans Peninsula Highway or Mexico Highway 1 is a scenic and exciting two-lane highway that traverses coastal, desert and mountainous terrains. The roads along the MEX 1 are very narrow. Most of the roads down from San Diego are 2 lanes; 1 in each direction. Often times there is no center divider and no painted line. Driving in Mexico can be challenging as large trucks and buses will pass in the opposite direction. Make sure you get gas, whenever you see a gas station as you may not see another open one for 100's of miles. Avoid driving at night you may run into cows or other animals in the road, also it is rare but be careful of banditos, look for cars that are broken down on the highway these usually are traps, many tourists get robbed. If you see a car broken down dont feel bad for not stopping. The government pays a group of billigual mechanics called the Green Angels, that patrol the highways looking for people in need there services are free.
Driving to Cabo San Lucas from San Diego
Take the 5 or 805 freeway south to the U.S. - Mexico border (San Ysidro crossing). Both freeways end at the border so take your pick. After crossing the border, stay in the second lane from the right. Follow the signs that say "Rosarito Beach, Ensenada Scenic Route". This road will take you along the Mexico / U.S. border As you come to the top of the hill, move into the right lane. At the bottom of that hill the road will fork Left and Right, take the fork to the right. It is marked with arrows Rosarito/Ensenada/Ensenada Cuota. (Cuota stand for the Toll Road). There are three toll booths in total. The first toll booth is just past the Tijuana Playas off ramp. Second is about 15 miles south just passing the last Rosarito Beach off-ramp. The third and end of the toll-road is at San Miguel. After you pass the last toll booth it's about six miles to Ensenada proper. About one mile before you get there you'll come to a fork in the road, stay to the "right" and this will take you in the front end of town. stay to your right as you pass over the bridge with the flags. Do not take the right turn off ramp just after this bridge. Take a right at the second traffic circle, (Aztec Indian), or a right turn just before the Indian, follow traffic. Both roads are Mexico's Hwy 1. Stay on Mexico Highway 1 until you reach Cabo San Lucas.
Driving from Arizona to Cabo San Lucas Baja California, Mexico
Take Interstate 8 west to San Diego where you will merge onto Interstate 805 or Interstate 5 south. You will arrive at the border in less than 10 miles. Then follow the directions from San Diego above, or you can take the route below and go by San Felipe.
Go South on Highway 111 to the border. Go through the border, and bear right. After approximately 500 feet turn right for San Felipe. Go straight on this road through Mexicali (major intersections will have signs for San Felipe.) This turns into Mexico Highway 5. Stay on Mexico Highway 5 until you reach Mexico Highway 1. You will pass San Felipe on your way to MEX 1. Then follow directions from San Diego

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The directions provided in this section are opinionated general guidelines for driving to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Mexico. We offer these directions, to show possible driving routes to Cabo San Lucas. Highways and road conditions are constantly changing, be sure to consult a Mexico road map for official driving routes in Mexico.